Wednesday, March 30, 2011

MARCH 2011

MARCH 2011

Sugaring at Darrow School Maple Fest
We are fortunate to have two sugar shacks right in our area. The closest one is just up the road from us at Hand Hollow Farm.

I head up to see Ben Shaw from Garden of Spices farm to pic out our Maremma puppy. There are three boys to pick from and two gals that my girlfriend Bettina has to pick from. It is very hard, as they are all adorable. The smaller puppies in the litter are definitely more playful, butwe both decide to go for the larger pups, as they are outdoor dogs, and we figure bigger is better. Kes has no idea that I am bringing home a puppy.
Our new puppy is getting settled. He seems pretty smart, and is ready to please. The Maremma training manual is pretty daunting, but we will do our best.


These are some crazy big tracks I found in the snow on the north side of the field. The span between each paw print was over 30". I did some research, and it looks like it would have to be quite a big animal to make these tracks. There has been a rumor that there is a mountain lion in the area for years, so now I am a little freaked out! Unfortunately I can not make out if it is a canine or feline print. Fortunately I have other things to think about, like K's birthday party and the 40 friends coming over this weekend.


Sather prepares a Muscovy for the party. he has it hanging in the studio for a few hours before he plans to debone it and stuff it with pork.

The stuffed duck wrapped in a caul fat with some home cured bacon slices
It turned out amazing!

The cake was just a K requested. Chocolate cake with berries inside, chocolate icing and more berries on top and three special berries on top.

An ice storm hits us pretty hard and fortunately we do not lose power.

When the weather clears up, Sather and I have to move the older pigs to a new location. The have been in the north field and forest all winter, and are heading into my garden for a bit. We have taken down the hutch, and are just about ready to herd these guys over. They seem to be enjoying the view and some warm sun.

Hiro caught in my bird fencing! Too hilarious.

Sather has a moment to ponder.

The new hutch is almost all assembled. We still have to get the roof on, and it's getting late.
The Wattles are in my garden and having a blast. They are working every inch of it, as we left a lot for them to forage. Kohlrabi, Kale, Beets, Brussels, you name it.

The Tamworths move into the other half of my garden and their new hutch.

Every day Kes hops up into the chicken coop to collect her eggs. She counts them all, and is getting really good at counting!

Freia! I am sure you will be up in that chicken coop in no time at all!

Most of our whey comes fresh from the Old Chatham Sheep Herding Co.
These Red Wattles areenjoying some fresh whey from Berkshire Blue this morning.
We also started getting whey from Pampered Cow.

The whey is a byproduct of the cheese making process. It's wonderful that their waste can be our benefit! The pigs love the whey, and we are glad to make them happy and tasty!

I get a chance to have lunch at Pies 'n Thighs in Bklyn!
Here are the lovely ladies Erika, Sarah and Caroline.
Congrats on your first year back in business!

If the Helleborus is blooming, then spring is REALLY here!


The East Field pigs have been trained on the electric fence and are let out today to forage on Mangels and field peas. They seem VERY happy.

Sather and Freia have a moment. It's a beautiful sunny day. The snow is all melted, and we are happy to be out enjoying it.

Freia checking out the piggies.

" Tulip"is growing fast! We know it's her, because of her oversize floppy ears.

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