APRIL 2011
Michael is a friend, my brother in law, a chef and our lawyer. We got together with 1/2 of one of our pigs to work on some recipe's together. We have about 24 hours to make Pate, prepare a bacon and ham for curing,a fermented sausage and a boudin noir.
Two Pate de Campagne were prepared. One is lined with Caul fat, the other with back fat.
Sather and Michael stayed up late preparing the ground meat.
While the Pate's poach in the oven, they start to prepare the fermented sausages.
The Pate's are out of the oven and cooling.
They came out beautiful!
two hams in salt with weights. this will be in the fridge for the next moth or so.
We rotate the East Field Pigs into the next area. The mangels have really shot up now, and are providing some pretty good foraging.
They have a new hutch and are pretty comfortable.
The Tamworths are rotated out of the garden and into the forest. They have a path that they stroll down to get from their hutch, through a section of field before they get to the woods.
LCD SOUNDSYSTEM at Madison Square Garden!!!
My college friend Pat Mahoney is the drummer ( as seen in the upper right hand corner of the picture on the large monitor! ). He got us ( Raven, Orion, Bega, Stella me and Louie ) all VIP tickets to the final show which was amazing.
Freia is happy to have me back.
Kes's cousin Parker came for the weekend. We make plans for the summer and go pick up a bunch of new ducks. 9 new Cayuga's and 4 new Khaki's. The girls help with chores and building the new duck house.
Hiro is getting pretty big!
-the girls have some fun at Price Chopper-
Passover dinner
Hope made Matzo, chopped liver ( chicken livers with duck fat, eggs etc.) and chicken soup with matzo balls.
Kes gets some chicks for Easter
Freia relaxes on Grandma's porch in a big girl chair.
A new litter of pigs!
The weather is great and we are out in the garden
We take a walk looking for ramps. The kids put their toes in the creek.
We did not find ramps, but we did find a garter snake!
Kes, Rio and Ze pose with a new friend.
'Bingo' relaxes on the porch with Kes.
' Bingo ' gets some more attention.
Chef Jeff Gimmel of Swoon hosts a Ramp Fest in Hudson NY
Bingo unexpectedly dies! Kestrel handles it very well and prepares a grave and ceremony for her.
Freia eats a stick.
The rest of the chickens have come to say their blessings.
Chef Mike Toscano prepares RAVEN & BOAR AT MANZO Restaurant / EATALY
the menu
These are pictures Chef Toscano sent us of his menu and what he prepared with his Raven & Boar half hog.